Team Personnel (Raiders Hockey Club)

2020-2021 Spring Tryouts Postponed
Print Team Personnel
Please select the team you are associated with and your position on that team staff.
Please enter your name, date of birth and complete address.
  1. The name entered here must be the same as the name entered when registering for Certification Clinics
  2. RadDatePicker
    Open the calendar popup.
    mm/dd/yyyy Type the date in using this format or select from the calendar. Birthdate is required when registering a coach to a roster in the Hockey Canada Registry
  3. City Only, Please DO NOT include Province
Please list the email addresses and phone numbers you wish to share. We must have 1 email address and 1 phone number for communication purposes. You control what we make public for privacy reasons so please indicate which information, if any, that you would like to display in your team profile. A COPY OF THIS FORM WILL BE SENT TO PRIMARY EMAIL 1 AS CONFIRMATION OF YOUR SUBMISSION
  1. Example: [email protected] Your submission will be sent to this address.
  2. Not mandatory. Only add 2nd Email if you would like it added to your team's Email Alias to receive Web Site notifications to both addresses ie work and home
  3. You can only make one selection here as one Email per team staff member is sufficient. As recommended above it should be the Head Coach and / or the Manager as a minimum per team so the team can be contacted by anyone viewing the Web Site
  4. The Head Coach and Manager of all teams will have the email / emails of their choice entered into the team's Email Alias. The Email Alias is used by the Web Site to send out auto generated notifications of "last minute" Schedule changes (within 14 days of the Schedule item). The Email Alias and included Email addresses are not visible to the public. All team staff are encouraged to make this selection as well.
  5. Example: ###-###-####
  6. Example: ###-###-####
  7. Example: ###-###-#### x###
  8. Check the appropriate box. Phone numbers checked will appear on the Web Site.
Please insert your current level of certification in each category if applicable. All team personnel must have PRS Certification.
  1. Please enter your HCR ID#
Police Check
Valid Police Checks must have an issue date after January 1, 2017
  1. RadDatePicker
    Open the calendar popup.
  2. Allowed extensions: .jpeg, .jpg, .png, gif, .pdf.
    Maximum # Files: 4. Maximum File Size: 4MB.
  1. Add comments here as to why a form has been edited and Re-Submitted
Human Validation
Fri May 29, 2020
Printed from on Friday, May 29, 2020 at 1:48 PM