Inclement Weather (Raiders Hockey Club)

2020-2021 Spring Tryouts Postponed
PrintInclement Weather

Burlington Raiders Hockey Club (RHC) holds safety as a top priority. In the event of inclement weather affecting hockey schedules, the following procedures will be used.


Scheduled games, training, and practices will not be rescheduled due to inclement weather, except under the following circumstances:

  • Roads to the arena are closed;
  • The opposing team has contacted the Ice Scheduler to cancel for safety concerns

Safety of all individuals is the primary concern; however, teams should make every effort to play scheduled games and attend practices when possible. It is the right and responsibility of each team and each individual family to make decisions regarding their own safety. Most importantly, the association encourages parents to leave enough travel time to arrive safely and drive according to the weather conditions.

To assist in making the decision you can check MTO road conditions. As well, you can check The Weather Network.

If a Game or Team Event is Cancelled

The Ice Scheduler will notify team officials (Coach and Manager) and they will distribute the message promptly.

Parents are requested to contact their team officials (Coach and Manager) about the potential cancellation of any games, training and practices.

When an opposing team’s association contacts the Ice Scheduler to inform them that a game is cancelled, the applicable Raiders team officials (Coach and Manager) will be contacted via e-mail. Furthermore, the game will be marked as cancelled on the RHC team calendar.

The game will be rescheduled as soon as the two Associations can work out a date.

Wed May 13, 2020
Printed from on Wednesday, May 13, 2020 at 8:11 PM